Saturday, August 30, 2008

Guess what I almost did yesterday?

hehehe I came this [ ] close to getting a tattoo yesterday. One of the hubby's friends was at a local tattoo place getting 2 new ones. He is offering to pay for mine. Problem was, I couldnt find one I liked! Rawr! They had so many to choose from but nothing jumped out at me.
Hubby did find one though. I do wonder if he didnt chicken out a little. I'm going to find it on the internet, print it out and see what the price is going to be. Since our anniversary is coming up that just might be his present. :D
Plus, the faster I get him one the faster I can get mine. He says since I already have one he is next. Well mine shouldnt count since I got it when I was 18! lol
I think that's just his way of making sure he gets one first.

There was a girl in the next chair getting one on her arm. Right above her wrist on the inner part ... That's where I want my stars. I also noticed that she had her husbands hand and kept gripping. Photobucket Hard. So I'm assuming it hurts like hell right there.

I'll update later with a pic of the one hubby wants.

UPDATE: This is one that I am seriously thinking about getting. The cherries represent what else but a lose of innocence. No not "my cherry" but the loss of basically everything I've known to be true. Most of my childhood was a lie. The 3 stars because it all happened when I turned 30. Again seriously thinking about getting it on the inside of my wrist. This one would be small so not that bad.

Just found this one that K likes. Only thing he would change is make the top a 6 speed instead of 4. I'm not sure I like that about it but it's his tattoo not mine. :)

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