Saturday, August 16, 2008

Rock Band owns me.

Seriously. I had a blast last night. We had friends over, cooked hamburgers on the grill, played rock band and watched a movie.

We found a cheat that allowed us to unlock all the songs. Well, seeing how Enter Sandman is one of our all time faves we just had to give it a shot. OMG I've never laughed so hard at my husband and Brian. They didnt have a shot in the dark of accomplishing this last night.
They switched equipment to see if the other could do better on the drums instead of the guitar. Nope. Both equally sucked! lol
Switch again, me on drums, Brian on guitar. We got up to 81% before we were booed off. LOL

We then watched Step Up 2

First, I want this girls body. For reals. She's a knock out. Secondly, I want to learn to dance like this. It's fucking HAWT! The last dance scene, whoamygawd! LOVEd it!
Of course the acting could stand to be upgraded a little but who cares how they act when you're focusing on the dance moved and the ripped abs all over the place. :D

We finally crashed at 1 this morning. Had a blast! Thanks J&B!

1 comment:

Dusty @AllThingsG+D said...

I've never tried playing rock band but I've seen it played a couple times, and holy hell it looks hard!!